Hi all! Hope you're well! It's been a while I know (sorry - I always say this but I mean it!). I haven't done anything specifically for my blog in the longest time (dunno why - I think I've focussed more on trying to make Youtube videos lately - that and because I'm a surgical doctor and hours are long y'all!). Anyway, I thought a nice "in pictures" post would be a nice round up of what I've been up to. Lil sis and I went atop the 155 meters that culminated in the spectacular Sky Garden (we went up the elevator before anyone asks!). The views of London were incredible. The day was cold AF, but the sun shined and the pictures were perfect. We had hot chocolate and cakes and we chatted for England. Meeting up with lil sis is one of the few things I live for, as well as flying visits to central London! 
Let me know what you want to see next on the blog. I've already had requests for youtube which I'm working on! 

Till next time, 



View of the Shard and other London associations from the Sky Garden 

As I said, I was cold! 

 The sun shined! It was an incredible experience! 

We went early, so freshly baked cakes were at our disposal! 

 The smell of the whole place was just like a garden. The plants were all real! 


More Cakes! 

Hot chocolate + chocolate powder! 
