Hellooo!! Hope you're all well. Apologies (as per..), posts are getting a bit thin on the ground :-(. My life at the moment currently revolves around a 10 000 word dissertation I have to write for my Masters (woes).

But, on the bright side, here are some of the pictures from my last week. 

Hope you enjoy! 

My sister and I had our usual lunch/ catch up date at Busaba Store Street. We always order the same things (!) but this time we tried their new sweet potato fries...delish. As I've probably mentioned before, if you love Thai Food, honestly, get yourself to Busaba. If you're a Londoner, let me know of any other Thai places or any restaurants in general. I love trying new foods!

A close up of my Green Chicken Curry from Busaba. I always have it with Jasmine Rice. I have recreated the dish by myself using a few additional ingredients. I'll post a recipe sometime if you'd like - let me know! 

I had an "Orange Is The New Black" marathon (tell me you all watch it too!). No television marathon is complete without Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream. Cookie Dough is my absolute favourite flavour!

One of my cousins got married on Sunday. It was a lovely sunny day in Kent. I forgot to get my contact lenses prescription so I had to wear my glasses...I don't think I looked too geeky!

Finally, I saw this quote on Instagram and I had to screen shot it. Positive affirmations are awesome!

That's all folks! It seems the last week was mostly about indulging in a lot of food and treats...It didn't happen on purpose, honest! 

Hopefully I'll have more posts for you soon! Let me know what you'd like to read next!

