Seems like only a short while ago when I was writing about my Medical School story, now here I am now writing about the end. 
A few days ago, I found out that I had passed all my medical school exams, meaning that I am officially a DOCTOR! It hasn't sunk in yet and it feels really surreal. Yes, friends and family have been calling me Dr Sam since my first day of medical school but I never thought the day would come when actually I would be a doctor. 

Its been a long and arduous process. At times I felt I couldn't do it. It was so hard and required a lot of sacrifices on my part and on my friends and family's part. I am truly grateful to everyone who made my 6 year journey possible, who stuck around through the self doubt and the tears and the sleepless nights - till the very end. To the two most important people in my life, (basically the two reasons I live) my mom and my lil sis, who stood by me through my several detours through medical school, who where always there through all my exams, all my essays, all my vivas, everything, words cannot explain how I feel, but you know! To my friends, who essentially slapped me upside the head when I panicked before exams or doubted that I could ever remember 5 years of material and actually be confident at independently managing sick people, y'all the best! 

As well as finding out I'd passed, I also learned that I got into my TOP CHOICE DEANERY(!!!!) and will be doing my TOP CHOICE ROTATIONS (!!!!)  For anyone who doesn't understand deaneries and rotations, etc fear not, I will be explaining soon. But essentially, I will be working in a hospital in an area that I wanted to work in, doing the specialties that I wanted to do! Again, words cannot explain how happy (and somewhat surprised) I was to have scored highly enough to not only get into the deanery that I wanted, but to also be doing the job that I wanted. Life could not be sweeter right now! So grateful to be entering this wonderful profession of life savers and even more grateful that my lil dream came true! 

So, what happens now? 

Time to learn to be a normal human being! I have so many things I have missed out on because I've been in education for so long, but now I plan to make up for lost time! I am in a position where I can give my many passions a lot more attention (which I'm getting used to!) so that's what I'm doing! Never has there been a time in my whole existence where I didn't have a deadline to work to or a chapter to be reading before bed! 

I have a few more weeks at uni to officially finish up everything then I graduate! After graduation, I start my first rotation (which will be in emergency surgery - grateful for my trauma elective in Cape Town!)  If you follow my instagram/ pintrest/twitter/ snapchat you'll know that I am in the process of looking at places to stay, home decor, etc for when I start my job! 

Seeing as I did pretty well in my national exams (not to toot my own horn or anything), I will be recording some videos telling my med student readers exactly how I did it. I'll let you know when I get them up!

In the mean time, if anyone has any tips on home decor, where to buy nice home stuff (besides the holy grails that are IKEA and Dunelm), let me know! 


(DR) Sam XXX (eeek!)
