As I'm sure all of you are aware, blogging has taken a very long back seat in the past few months. I'm sorry to everyone who keeps checking on my blog to see if I have a new article :( I know I promised a lot of new things but looks like trying to find inspiration to blog and trying to get my medical degree proved difficult. I never want to just put out anything for you guys, I am a perfectionist and nothing will be published until I'm happy with it. 

Anyway, all that aside - HOW Y'ALL BEEN?? Haha. Medical school (yes, yes we know Sam, you've been in medical school for 20 years, we know!) has been...busy to say the least. But I feel I ought to explain just HOW busy in another post! I'm sure a percentage of you already know what that post will entail but I will make an official announcement nonetheless.

On another note, how do you'll like the rebrand??? I thought I'd actually take this whole thing seriously because while it is still a creative outlet for me, I want my blog to be a useful/ interesting thing for anyone who stumbles upon it. So I wanted to make it more personal to me and what I stand for. I am medically trained - that is who/ what I am first and foremost. I am however, also a scientist, a lover of natural skincare and food, a crazy dog lady, and a general boulderer who loves to try her hand at everything! So as well as who/ what I am and all my loves, you will also encounter life in general on this here blog so stay tunes. I will make a pledge to have a post written for you every week - say every Sunday??? Sheesh that scares me a bit, committing like that, but we all need consistency in life right?!

My YouTube channel is in the works. I know there are several "series" that I need to finish - my body confidence one especially because its been a very long time since the first video (sorry guys :(). I'll get to it! 

Finally, social media I have jumped on many bandwagons since last time. I am now on a lot of social media platforms! The hilarity of me, the biggest nerd/ socially awkward geek trying to navigate my way through everything is not to be missed! If you're not already following me, here are my handles - lets be friends! 

INSTAGRAM: sam.forde
TWITTER: @_samforde
SNAPCHAT: heysammiie

Much love! 


PS: I have a large backlog of posts that I will be publishing soon, keep a look out!

