HOW TO ACE THE SJT! (I got 45 points!!)

Hi guys, this is a summary of my video on how I aced the SJT. Some of what I did may not have been relevant but I feel its better to be over prepared than under prepared.


  • When I did the exam: December 2015 
  • What I got: 45/50 points 
  • Deanery: First choice (a London one!) - I needed at least 84.23 points to get in. I had more than this. 
  • Rotation: First choice hospitals + first choice jobs 
  • How I felt: Ecstatic!

How I did it:

  1. I started my revision in the second week of November, with 3-4 weeks left till my exam in December. I felt this was enough time for me to read everything and to do the practice tests without starting to second guess my reasoning
  2. I read everything the GMC produced  - as a basic minimum I would recommend the Good Medical Practice 
  3. I read the SJT Monograph notes  
  4. I did the practice paper three times 
    1. I printed it out and I did it on SJT answer sheets - to simulate exam conditions
    2. All of these can be found here 
  5. I shadowed FY1s 
    1. Not essential
    2. I had to do it as part of my final year anyway 
    3. I actually shadowed a CT1 instead of an FY1 but I guess he was still a junior doctor 
    4. I spoke to him about the SJT a few times - some of the scenarios he encountered and deal with were similar scenarios in the paper - so this was useful 
    5. However, some scenarios he encountered he did what he could do - not necessarily what he should have done because the situation demanded that he act quick 
  6. I used EMEDICA 
    1. I paid £20 for a question bank 
    2. I did the whole question bank and all the mock papers 
    3. I took time to read through the explanations and made notes on them 
    4. They have given me a 15% OFF DISCOUNT CODE for you all: topsjt
    5. I am not being paid by EMEDICA to say this, nor is the code an affiliate code 
  7. I revised law 
    1. Mental Capacity Act 
    2. Mental Health Act 
    3. Fraser guidelines
    4. Gillick Competency 
    5. Euthanasia 
  8. I did not go on any course
    1. I didn't have time 
    2. More importantly I wasn't willing to pay extortionate amounts for one exam haha!
  9. I used ONE BOOK to revise - the Oxford Handbook for the Situational Judgement Test 
    1. Not sure how other books compare to this 
    2. I did roughly 10 questions every other night to get myself into some sort of routine 
  10. On the day of the exam 
    1. I had a big breakfast - I didn't want hunger to distract me from the exam 
    2. I did my normal routine in the morning - the exam was at 2pm 
    3. I went to the toilet before the exam - didn't want to waste minutes going to the toilet mid exam - I wouldn't have had time 
  11. Post exam 
    1. I went back to revising for finals! They were two months away for me haha! 

That's all I did. 

Good luck guys! Let me know how you get on :) 

