Hi peeps! Food (well drink!) post today. So I bought a smoothie maker a while ago in a bid to be more healthier. When I got it, I pledged to have a smoothie a day and on the most part I have stuck to that. Some of the benefits I've seen from incorporating smoothies into my diet plan are thus: 

  • Some weight loss 
  • Better skin 
  • More energy 
  • Feel good factor! 

I always have at least one green leafy vegetable e.g. spinach or kale. For smoothie inspo, here are some I've made in the past week! Ingredients are below each picture.

I buy my ingredients at the start of the week then section them into small bags which I put in the freezer. When I'm ready to make the smoothie I just take a bag and blend away! I find  that buying fresh then freezing works better because it prolongs the life of my fruit and veg and saves me having to go buy more during the week. 

All you do is add the ingredients and blend for about 30 seconds and voila! 

Here is my smoothie maker if you're interested. 
Kale//Grapes//Spinarch//Lemon Juice
Spinach//Apple//Pineapple//Cucumber/ Water 
Strawberries// Pomegranate// Coconut water 
Pineapple//Peach//Coconut Water//Summer Berries


