Hey everyone! 

Long time no anything on the blog - I decided to focus on trying to create stuff for YouTube for a while to mix things up a bit. Hopefully you've all been able to see my stuff (I try to link most things on my blog but sometimes I forget :( . 

Last week I thought I'd attempt to film myself everyday of the week so you can kind of see what my job entails. Deceptively my week was the most unbusy week I've had since I started so it looks like I don't get up to much at work, but I do, honest!

Obviously its difficult to film most of my job because I deal with the public, but hopefully I explained most things in my vlogs. I had half days on Monday and Tuesday because I chose to have my annual leave on half the day rather than a full day. I only have six weeks left in surgery and then I move on to cardiology so this was one of the last few chances I had to capture what I do on a daily basis. 

Hope it was somewhat enjoyable! Click on the videos to see :) 

Till next time...


